Tuesday, June 25, 2024

How Stupid Is Simps? He Thinks Queens Isn't Part of New York City And The Pop Addled Ass Lives There.

Simps is trying to go back to something I kicked his ignorant ass over multiple times.  Having done that several times before. I'll just post the link to that and what he wanted to post at The Thought Criminal last night.

 "For example that Queens is only one of the boroughs of NYC and, so, NYC has to be either or more ethnically diverse than Queens but it cannot be less so. "


Seriously, Sparky -- you can't possibly be so stupid so as not to know that Queens is a separate geographical, political and cultural entity with its own identity apart from NYC. And that set theory has absolutely zip to do with that.

Oh wait -- yes, you CAN be that stupid and obviously are. God bless you.