Saturday, May 30, 2020

Three of the funniest things in the world: 1. Your complete ignorance of the creative process. 2. Your complete ignorance of how the business of the arts works. 3. Your lengthy list of the genuine artists you inexplicably feel superior to.
Stupy Steve Simels

You know what's really funny, the guy who accuses me of that was named "The Snob" for his movie reviews, someone who regularly got paid to tell people that they sucked and who, if you look at the comments he posted on my other blog and my answers to it, would be one of the 7 Blunders of the World if gassing ignorantly about art and creativity were given that kind of designation. 

Update:  This exchange is one of the best for showing all of those features of Steve Simels, his ignorance, his ignorance of art, his snobbery honed by his years as a "critic" his dishonesty (his major intellectual achievement) and his basic ignorance of how history works because he doesn't understand how time works or numbers do. 

Update 2:  And now the voluntarily retarded Teanecker is equating Hal Holbrook's Mark Twain Tonight with Mark Twain's novels, apparently the idiot is still mistaking the shows for the books.  I guess that's what they teach you in the seats of affluence in the lesser greater NYC area.  

Here's a clue, dopey, they picked and chose from the best lines that Twain produced to do the various versions of that show.  It's a totally different thing from writing a novel or a long short story.  Only I know you're too stupid to pick up a clue if it was driven into your skull with a hammer. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

I would bet that easily 950 out of 1000 high school and college graduates have not read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court or The Mysterious Stranger.  I have, neither of them are great books.   I doubt Simps has, though I'm sure he saw Bing in the movie if not the musical of the one and that PBS made for TV movie of the other.   He never reads the book when there's a movie and even when there isn't.