Saturday, July 20, 2024

From First Tumescence to Senescence, Simp's Bio In Five Words

 Awaiting moderation
Unknown commented on "Toccata For Toy Trains 1957 - Charles and Ray Eames"
2 hours ago
Wow, I'm so shocked you don't like Bernstein's film scores. Because, after all, his "Animal House" and "Airplane" are two of the most droll and witty things written by an American composer in the second half of the 20th century, and you have no sense of humor at all.

Hey Sparky -- you know what else is hilarious? Bernstein was blacklisted (and therefore you have to hate him because he was a Commie by definition) and guess who broke the blacklist for him and gave the guy a job despite his politics?

Rightwing scumbag Cecil B. DeMille (who hired EB to do "The Ten Commandments.").

Thus proving him more of a real liberal than you.


You really are too stupid to be bothering with.  Elmer Bernstein worked on movies just about every year during the Hollywood blacklist years,  he didn't like some of them but he had work whereas those who were really blacklisted couldn't get work.  Looking up your claim, apparently he didn't make that claim, himself,  I read the term "greylisted" used for his situation.   He wasn't a member of the Communist Party, by his own word, so he said he couldn't name names of those who were.   

Since De Mille was one of the worst of the commie hunters in Hollywood, using that as an excuse to fight against unions,  your Trumpian nonsense is even stupider than usual.   I wonder where Bernstein would place his work on Animal House and Airplane within his movie scores.   The movies were both shit but I didn't make that decision on the basis of the scores.   I'm not surprised a case of arrested adolescence such as you would hold them in such high regard.   Clearly, you peaked at puberty.  From first tumescence to senescence, your bio in five words.  

I'm almost tempted to look for his concert music to see what that's like, though I expect Oscar Levant's is probably better.   His scoring for the Eames movies is quite good, as is his direction of it.   I'll bet he enjoyed doing that but I expected scoring Hollywood shit paid a lot better.