Saturday, July 20, 2024

From First Tumescence to Senescence, Simp's Bio In Five Words

 Awaiting moderation
Unknown commented on "Toccata For Toy Trains 1957 - Charles and Ray Eames"
2 hours ago
Wow, I'm so shocked you don't like Bernstein's film scores. Because, after all, his "Animal House" and "Airplane" are two of the most droll and witty things written by an American composer in the second half of the 20th century, and you have no sense of humor at all.

Hey Sparky -- you know what else is hilarious? Bernstein was blacklisted (and therefore you have to hate him because he was a Commie by definition) and guess who broke the blacklist for him and gave the guy a job despite his politics?

Rightwing scumbag Cecil B. DeMille (who hired EB to do "The Ten Commandments.").

Thus proving him more of a real liberal than you.


You really are too stupid to be bothering with.  Elmer Bernstein worked on movies just about every year during the Hollywood blacklist years,  he didn't like some of them but he had work whereas those who were really blacklisted couldn't get work.  Looking up your claim, apparently he didn't make that claim, himself,  I read the term "greylisted" used for his situation.   He wasn't a member of the Communist Party, by his own word, so he said he couldn't name names of those who were.   

Since De Mille was one of the worst of the commie hunters in Hollywood, using that as an excuse to fight against unions,  your Trumpian nonsense is even stupider than usual.   I wonder where Bernstein would place his work on Animal House and Airplane within his movie scores.   The movies were both shit but I didn't make that decision on the basis of the scores.   I'm not surprised a case of arrested adolescence such as you would hold them in such high regard.   Clearly, you peaked at puberty.  From first tumescence to senescence, your bio in five words.  

I'm almost tempted to look for his concert music to see what that's like, though I expect Oscar Levant's is probably better.   His scoring for the Eames movies is quite good, as is his direction of it.   I'll bet he enjoyed doing that but I expected scoring Hollywood shit paid a lot better.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

How Stupid Is Simps? He Thinks Queens Isn't Part of New York City And The Pop Addled Ass Lives There.

Simps is trying to go back to something I kicked his ignorant ass over multiple times.  Having done that several times before. I'll just post the link to that and what he wanted to post at The Thought Criminal last night.

 "For example that Queens is only one of the boroughs of NYC and, so, NYC has to be either or more ethnically diverse than Queens but it cannot be less so. "


Seriously, Sparky -- you can't possibly be so stupid so as not to know that Queens is a separate geographical, political and cultural entity with its own identity apart from NYC. And that set theory has absolutely zip to do with that.

Oh wait -- yes, you CAN be that stupid and obviously are. God bless you.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

6 months since I banished Simps, I almost missed the date.  I expect by the first anniversary I'll have forgotten he ever impinged on my life.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Blazing Saddles ripped off Ishmael Reed's Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down.  Just sayin'.  

Update:  That retarded Teanecker has been peddling the same old lies over and over again, after I've proven them to be lies.  I could have a full-time moldy oldies blog dedicated just to Simp's lies, and that's only the ones he's told about things I never said.  He's a pathological liar, he's got that in common with Trump.  

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Steve Simels is too lazy and stupid to learn anything he hadn't absorbed in his tiny little puddle of ignorance sixty years ago.  And there was plenty of stupid in the greater-lesser NYC area for him to absorb back then.  And he's too undisciplined to maintain a resolve to quit Duncan Black's puddle of mutual congratulations and ignorance once and for all.   That he's spouting the same old lies about me to his fellow addicts to ignorance there is exactly what I predicted here months back. 

He is proof of Bertrand Russell's contention that stupid people won't do anything but misrepresent things that smarter people say because they can't understand what's said so they translate it into things they can understand.  When you put that on top of the willingness to lie and bear false witness, too common among those who profess to believe its a sin to commit those lies but rampant among those who are materialists who don't believe in sin, you get someone like Simps.   

I proved both the motive of the Nazis mass murders in their belief in natural selection any number of times, as I did the scientific racism and of Charles Darwin and advocacy of the deaths of those he deemed unfit, his immediate support of and enthusiasm for not only the eugenics of Francis Galton but his even greater support for the proto-Nazism of Ernst Haeckel and his actual advocacy of Anglo-Saxons, Britains and other North-Western Europeans displacing (that means killing) people who lived in other lands, Australia, Africa, the Americas, etc. in exactly the same terms that the Nazis used for their conquest and genocides in Eastern Europe.  I showed that the contemporary Darwinists, includings Karl Pearson gave their Nazi colleagues pseudo-scientific arguments that the Jews of Poland and Russia were a biological hazard to the Germanic people which the Nazis quoted in their scientific advocacy of first their removal and then their genocide.  I showed how Leondard Darwin, up to the very months before WWII started praised the Nazi's eugenics laws linking them explicitly to his own father's thinking.   

 And those were only some of the many things I proved linking the Nazis to Darwinism, something that no one until the end of WWII and the revelation of the extent of the Nazis murder industry denied was the case, that Nazi "racial hygiene" was a thoroughly conventional aspect of Darwin's natural selection.  Something which William Jennings Bryan more or less predicted would be a consequence of a belief in natural selection, Darwinism, in his undelivered summary at the Scopes trial as the atheist materialist jerk Clarence Darrow, who knew far less about Darwinism ignored that aspect of it.  

Only the "brain trust" of Eschaton (they really do call themselves that) are too stupid to read the primary documentation that proves that was the Nazis motive in their mass murders.  Nor do they have the morality to figure they should find out what's true and what isn't, they don't care about that as long as their prejudices are supported.  I did, actually, change my opinion about this when I did the research that proved a case I was disinclined by preference to believe in.  That's the difference between someone who believes the truth is important and someone who believes there really is no such thing as the truth.  When I started out at Duncan's, I was rather stupid about the play-left, I figured their stupidity was not a product of a deeper problem caused by their amorality, now I see that it's all one problem that starts with not caring about the truth.

Friday, October 9, 2020

No shock that the ADD addled world's oldest tween is back at Duncan's.   He can't stick with anything, a lifetime of too much TV does that to you.  Participating on Duncan's blog, too, apparently.  


Get back to me when he starts lying about me there.  I have no doubt he will, he can't stick with not doing that, either.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Johnny Mercer Henry Mancini - Moon River

 After I posted that radio play that used the name of the song I realize I was going to have it going through my head over and over again till I did something about it.

I've posted this version of it before,  the lyricist Johnny Mercer who was rare in that he was also a very fine singer and the composer, Henry Mancini doing a demo of the song that they wrote for Audry Hepburn to sing in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. 

I used to say that Audry Hepburn's non-singer singing of it was the best version till I heard Johnny Mercer sing it. Knocks ol' Blue Eye's crooning of it out of the water.   I prefer a singer to sing words as if they meant something.  Mercer knew how to do that, so many didn't.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

I didn't know anyone was still looking at this

I'd guess there is no subject about which more bullshit has been written than the alleged power of comedy to bring down tyrants, to expose frauds, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.  History proves it has no such power anymore than any other kind of light writing does.  It's bullshit. Anyone who pretends to believe that is either lying or stupid enough to buy it without thinking about it.  There was no more biting comedy than that which went up against the Nazis and, guess what, the Nazis won without any problem.  They harnessed it to their own ends. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I'll Let Hugh Dillon Say It For Me

Ah, two weeks without anyone telling me what Stupy's doing.  Just one telling me what he didn't do and I didn't much care.   Will this be the last time I mention him?   Can I finally say it?

The beauteous Hugh Dillon when he had hair.  Not that he's bad now, either.   Ah, to be 40 again.  

Here he is an an off-beat short film.  Not a bad actor, either. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

When White People Lecture Other People On What Isn't Racist Or Racialized

 Michelle Obama 'ape in heels' post causes outrage - BBC News

My last friend who frequents Eschaton tells me that Duncan didn't rouse his lazy ass to ban Simps, Simps left when he was critisized for being such an example of old, white, male, middle-class privilege that he didn't acknowledge the inherent racism of the old Ernie Kovacs Nairobi Trio sketch WHICH IS BLATANTLY AND OBVIOUSLY PRESENTING AN OLDER, WIDELY USED RACIST SHOW BIZ STEREOTYPE OF BLACK MUSICIANS AS APES THAT GOES BACK BEFORE JAZZ AND INTO THE MINSTREL PERIOD and, indeed, well back into white, European racism.  

It's so thoroughly embedded by racism into the thinking of, not only white people but in human culture that it even appears, unplanned and unconsidered in the algorithms that computer scientists come up with.

Back in 2015, software engineer Jacky Alciné pointed out that the image recognition algorithms in Google Photos were classifying his black friends as “gorillas.” Google said it was “appalled” at the mistake, apologized to Alciné, and promised to fix the problem. But, as a new report from Wired shows, nearly three years on and Google hasn’t really fixed anything. The company has simply blocked its image recognition algorithms from identifying gorillas altogether — preferring, presumably, to limit the service rather than risk another miscategorization.

Wired says it performed a number of tests on Google Photos’ algorithm, uploading tens of thousands of pictures of various primates to the service. Baboons, gibbons, and marmosets were all correctly identified, but gorillas and chimpanzees were not. The publication also found that Google had restricted its AI recognition in other racial categories. Searching for “black man” or “black woman,” for example, only returned pictures of people in black and white, sorted by gender but not race.

I don't think there's much of a question that Ernie Kovacs may well have imbibed the same thing, perhaps unwittingly the images of racism so deeply embedded in American as well as European culture,  when he heard the piece of crap song "Solfeggio" and immediately linked it to a parody of a racist music-box image of Black musicians as Gorillas, it is even less of a surprise when his wife and the other all-white members of his company (and, according to Simps in our earlier go round on it, the white Jack Lemmon)* didn't see any problems with it.  I wish I could find out if there were any contemporary Black people who commented on it because I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have any problem seeing it for what it was at the time.  

And, really, calling it the "Nairobi Trio" is rather a dead giveaway of the racist nature of it. 

It is rather presumptuous for a white guy to declare that a bunch of white show-biz guys in one of the most racist periods of reaction against the great Civil Rights Movement, dressing up and personifying a very old, racist stereotype taken directly from the past and their very present, present were not, in fact, doing what they were obviously doing.  I'm glad to live in a time when, especially younger people fed up with that long history are no longer willing to just skip over that and to call it what it is, no longer impressed with the admitted though very much exaggerated genius of Ernie Kovacs and those who participated in it with him.  

Oddly, enough, one of the most interesting confirmations of the racism of using ape and, specifically gorilla images that has been ubiquitious was the Brit-American use of exactly the same images used against Black People against the Irish in the 19th and very early 20th century.  But that ended, though the same bias is certainly present in Brit comedy and attitudes today . I wouldn't expect that most Irish Americans would worry about that kind of bigotry regaining its former ubiquity though note what David Pilgrim, a Black sociologist who started the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia has to say about how his assumptions of the diminution of racism even a few years ago has been proved to be wrong by the racist rise of Trump and the Republican-fascist part. 

I saw several images in his collection that are reflected in the Nairobi Trio skit. 

*  You can hear Edie Adams talk about how not only Lemmon but Milton Berle and Tony Curtis put on the gorilla suits to participate in it all without seeing any problem in impersonating a well-practiced racist stereotype.  I'd like to know if any Black People ever worked for Kovacs and his team, I strongly doubt it.  If any did I'd love to hear them on this topic. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Too Funny, Too Stupid To Not Announce

REALLY?  Simps got dumped by Duncan over a stupid picture of a puppet?  After all of these years after he was documented to be attacking Duncan's regulars with sock-puppet names - something I caught him doing to me back when Digby still had comments - I wondered if that incident wasn't what made her realize that for a writer as good as she is, maintaining comment threads is a liability.  

Geesh, let no one say that Duncan is much bothered by anything  like consistency or integrity.  To drop Simps over that when he could have dropped him for being a lying, libeling, backstabbing creep with Duncan's complete knowledge and sponsorship all these years is pretty stupid, even for that rapidly aging slacker.   I thank God every morning that I didn't go to a prep school or Ivy, the state universities I went to didn't damage my character the way that those typically do.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

"Are you missing Simps?"

No. I am also not missing knowing what lies he's telling about me at Duncan Black's blog.  A complete break, only thing to do when it's necessary.  It's like taking a good shower when you're dirty.  

Saturday, July 25, 2020

I have blocked all domains associated with Simps and all of his known sock-puppet names.  He can lie his head off - as he will certainly do - without me being aware of it.   

Simps mocked my late father who was permanently disabled in the fight against the Nazis and their allies.   I can tolerate his lies about me and have used them as a diversion and as an entree into studying the degeneracy of the secular play-left, the degeneration of education and the intellectual value of a college degree and associated depravities but that was the definitive breaking point.  I would repeat what Joseph Welch asked of Joe McCarthy, the coup de gras of his similar but far more prominent public life is confirmed,  he has no decency, no honesty, no character.

That type is a dime a thousand, there are more interesting examples to use as a jumping off point, some who will try to address facts.  Ones who at least read on more than a Trumpian level.  Simps never, ever addresses facts, he just repeats the Hollywood-TV-low to mid-brow scribbling class lies.  That is clearly OK with his type of play-lefty, the kind that Eschaton has provided a typical example of, one of the reasons they're counterproductive to a more decent future.  I've moved on from that.