Thursday, July 16, 2020

I posted WE INSIST!  to make two points,  A.  comedy is not as substantial as other kinds of content and so you should expect it to wear faster, B. even something as great as Max Roach's work, unless it is subjected to the art of jazz in its continued life can get old.  If Reiner and Brooks hadn't changed The Two Thousand Year Old Man from the flash-frozen version of it that became a komedy-klassic, it would have been killed by fixing it on disc.  The disc that my not owning or being able to quote like your girlfriend's obnoxious asshole little brother can do an entire George Carlin disc (I'm talking about a real person) was used to mean I knew nothing about comedy.   I guess you'd have to be like that little asshole in order to believe that.

And to those you can add C. an intelligent listener will limit the number of times they listen to a great recording so it doesn't turn into mental wall paper for them.

Oh, yeah, the biggest reason for posting WE INSIST! is because it's great art with substance to it and not everyone has heard it. 


  1. Oh puhleeze. You posted it to bolster your aging hep cat/guilty white liberal credentials.

    1. Let me break it to you, Simps, NO WHITE GUYS ARE HEP CATS. You can't even get by as an old, old tom cat. You couldn't when you were 24. I'm tempted to make a lurid pun but I'm trying to cut that stuff out. It goes over your head.

    2. Somewhere in hell, Chet Baker and about a zillion other hep cat white guys are laughing hysterically at you.

      Also, BTW, puns are the lowest form of humor, if even that.

    3. Chet Baker. A white geezers idea of what a hep cat is. He'd be way down on my list of pale imitations. The idea that puns are the lowest form of humor is the invention of the 18th century, "Augustinian" period of English lit when a bunch of 2nd stringers were trying to ape classical Roman models of literature. Far better writers from the 14th, 16th-17th century, and later disprove that. The works attributed to Shaksper abound with them, though, from your ignorant parroting it would appear that you prefer the dry as dust John Dryden and Samuel Johnson who was rather a hypocrite about it.

      The only reason I'm doing this is I'm too tired to write something important so I thought I'd answer you,maybe if I read some of your stupidity I might feel an urge to get back onto higher ground.

  2. Let me guess — you don’t understand that what’s funny about them is that they’re obvious groaners.

    1. You're saying Groucho was a second-rater to get yourself out of the incongruency you got in by an ill considered resort to a cliche, I understand that. I do find it funny because I think the Augustinian snobs of the 18th century missed that the very literature they aped contained a number of puns, they just lacked the language skills or erudition to notice them. Later scholars have pointed this out, you, on the other hand, have no idea where that idiotic bromide of modern mid-brows came from.

    2. I publish this because it is an example of one of your more pathological tendencies, to immediately go for superlatives in the manner of a cheap,show-biz promoter, "THE definitive" "THE height of." That BS is your thing, Stupy, as can be seen in your endless promotion of your garage band recordings, your scribblage, your list of alleged celebrity associates, your make believe younger friends. I consider my limericks what they are, moderately skilled mockery of a very modestly-abled schmuck pretending he's an A-lister.

  3. You know, Stupy, it's ironic that you pulled Chet Baker out of your bag of mid-brow cliches when you could have chosen far better candidates who were Jewish jazz musicians. Lee Konitz was way closer than Chet and a far more interesting musician and someone I'd much, much, much, much rather have known and worked with. Chet Baker was an A-#1 jerk.

  4. Oh, and Lennie Tristano was way more hep than Baker. I think Artie Shaw was way, way more of one, too. Hell, Jimmy Dorsey was.

  5. You do know that nobody gives a shit about your jazzbo opinions/bona fides, right? :-)

    1. Figures you'd resort to a more than slightly racist tinged word. Anyone who doesn't know Konitz and Tristano, Shaw and Jimmy Dorsey were hepper than that pretty boy asshole who couldn't stay off the dope is a dope. Chet Baker is pretty much a pale imitation. Heck,I think Stan Getz was hipper and he wasn't even that good a musician.
