Monday, July 6, 2020

Simps, Eschatots, You Don't Have Even Enough Substance To Retain Interest As An Antiquity

I'm ready to get past your same-old, same-old.  I already knew that the past-it geezers who constitute the rump of the old Eschaton blog community, which reached pretty much its high point around 2005, are a bunch of bored, jaded, lazy buffalo butts.  I don't need to keep dealing with that.  

You've long since gotten old.   Duncan can't even retain an interest in producing material there.  He's as repetitious as you are.  A middle-aged geezer, himself. 

Simps, this is a lot less diverting than I thought it would be.  I might discontinue it again unless you come up with something new.  I'll give you by Wednesday to do it or I'm moving on.  

The few who are a bit more than that have already reached the occasional drop-in stage at Eschaton.  They'll drop it more and more as they move on, too.  Then it will just be you and Grandmere and those BBs who consider you a pest.  


  1. Learn how to spell the word "drizzly."

    1. Stupy, the letter "s" is adjacent to the letter "z" on the qwerty keyboard. If you think that's going make me feel inhibited, well, you don't think very much. Did you mention it at Duncan's? I hope so because it annoys the tots.

      Your problem requires more than proof reading.
