Monday, June 15, 2020

Oh, I Don't Have To Say Which Side I Am On, I Can Despise Them All

Albert Maltz?  I've never written a word about him, specifically,  that I recall, why would I?  The closest I got was when I noted the Hollywood 10, as Stalinists supported one of if not the most murderous mass murderer of the modern era.   If Maltz had lived in his workers' paradise he'd have likely gotten purged by his hero, same if he lived in any of he other Marxist countries.   What they whined about the wrongs done to them here were mild compared to what their hero did to writers, artists, scholars, scientists and, hardly least of all workers and poor people.  They were idiots and assholes, no more moral than members of the American Bund.  Nah, I'm so over the commies of Hollywood, too many crocodile tears shed over them, already.

I'm not terribly interested in that over-wrought bit of morally ambiguous American history.  My anti-anti-communist antipathy is matched pretty much by my disgust for the Stainists and Trotsyites and Maoists, etc.  I don't have to choose a side, I can despise them all. 

Stupy always grasps at those same, well worn straws when he finally realizes he's made a public fool of himself.  Which is one of the reasons they're so worn.  That happens a lot since he picked a fight with me.   I always end up kicking his ass. 

I don't know if Maltz was one of the two of The 10 who Billy Wilder said had any talent or if he was one who he said was merely unfriendly.  I saw a few of the movies he wrote, I don't recall being wowed.  I figured he meant Trumbo and Lardner but I could be wrong. 



    So in other words, as always, you're babbling about something you have never seen and know nothing about.

    Why am I not shocked?

    1. For fucksake, Stupy, I saw that thing when I was a kid and again sometime on a PBS program sometime inthe 70s, probably. It's from back before he started calling it in, before he screwed Nancy Reagan.

      I've never said anything about Albert Maltz before today, I don't find his work that I've seen interesting, I don't care about anything that happened in Hollywood then or now.

  2. It's a historic protest of anti-Semitism in this country. Why am I not surprised you don't give a shit about it?

    Oh wait -- I know why. :-)

    1. Stupy, it's a 75 year old movie. What am I supposed to do? Wet my pants? You screamed like a stuck pig when I noted that the movies were encouraging lynching during an upsurge in lynching and inspiring the restart of the most infamous terrorist group in the history of the United States, which I have a feeling you are ignorant enough so you don't know they didn't like Jews though no where near as much or violently as they did Black People and Catholics.

  3. Replies
    1. I don't bother trying to explain anything to you, I don't consider you Jewish, I consider you to be 100% schlameal. You didn't respond to me pointing out that Jews were hardly absent from both the medial profession and the medical establishment in the first half of the 20th century. I'd wonder why but I figure even you're able, eventually, to realize once again, you nade a fool of yourself. If for no other reason than you've got so much practice at doing that.

    2. Schlameal?

      You think that’s a Yiddish spelling?

      Good grief, you’re the most tone deaf putz on earth.



    3. Oh, dear. Do I have to explain to you that Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters? If I were to give it a "Yiddish spelling" I'd have to use a font that I'm not sure Blogger would accept.

    4. Good grief, you're a moron. There's a definitive work on how to spell Yiddish words in English. It's called THE JOY OF YIDDISH, by Leo Rosten, and it's not remotely obscure if you're not a moron.

      And BTW, the word is spelled by normal people "schlemiehl."

    5. That's a German spelling. I've often seen it without an "h".

      You're real big on declaring things "definitive". I think normal people would agree you're a schmuck. I'll bet if they had a secret ballot, that would be the majority POV at Duncan's. I, of course, could not care less what they think of me, give or take about three of them. And if it came to that for me. Meh.

  4. I should add that the only rational explanation for your anti-move animus is that the industry was the creation of Jews. Read Neal Gabler's AN EMPIRE OF THEIR OWN: HOW THE JEWS INVENTED HOLLYWOOD,

    1. Gabler knows what he's talking about, you don't even know what you're talking about.

  5. Replies
    1. I worked with Gabler. My copy of the book is autographed.

    2. Oh, I'm sure you can read your own name. But the book isn't about you.

  6. Substitute the word “novels” for “movies” in the above and then contemplate the imbecility of the person who typed it.

    1. It would be more productive to contemplate the stupidity of the Simp who suggested that.
