Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A List Of The "Non-Facts" That Simps Says He Won't Read*


Not a single thing you said was accurate or sane.

You don't refute monstrous anti-Semtitic nonsense.

Go fuck yourself, you lying sack of shit

This is too ridiculous to not post as a separate post.

"Not a single thing you said was accurate or sane."

FACT:  Roy Cohn was Senator Joe McCarthy's chief counsel during the Army–McCarthy hearings in 1954.
FACT: Roy Cohn was, before then hired by Irving Saypol to work under him in the Southern District of New York where he became infamous as a commie hunter, most known for the prosecution of the Rosenbergs getting them executed for espionage.  Saypol recommended him to Senator McCarthy.
FACT:  G David Schine was named as an unpaid assistant by Joe McCarthy working with and under Roy Cohn.
FACT:  When McCarthy and Cohn, during the Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954 started to go after a jr member of  Joseph Welch's law firm for alleged communist links, Welch made a comment about "pixies" which was clearly intended as a warning that he would out Cohn and Schine, possibly McCarthy, if they didn't drop it and it was known by most of those in the hearing room he was alluding to the widely known sex affair between Cohn and Schine
FACT I DIDN'T MENTION:  Roy Cohn, while he was working under Saypol, Cohn was a board member of the American Jewish League Against Communism.
FACT:  Irving Saypol was the one who prosecuted Mariam Moskowitz when the dumb dolly lied on behalf of her adulterous boyfriend to shield him from being exposed as involved in Stalinist espionage, she did it because she was ashamed of admitting she was having an affair with a married man.  Then she tried to be exonerated even though she was guilty by her own admission for a crime that Mike Flynn also committed, lying to the FBI.
Simps' original idiocy presented the McCarthy red-hunt as something targeting Jews when so many of those on his side in it INCLUDING HIS OWN HAND-CHOSEN STAFF WERE JEWS PROSECUTING AND PERSECUTING ANY JEWS WHO WERE THEIR TARGET.  I could mention other mythologized heroes of the play-left, including Robert Kennedy who also was neck deep in it.  Simps just lurves him some Bobby.  I once had to point out to him when he claimed the prosecution of his hero, cheap porn peddler Ralph Ginzburg was prosecuted because he was Jewish that his hero, Bobby Kennedy was the Attorney General who signed off on the prosecution of the smut king.  I wish I could say that Simps had one of the more profound resistances to an urge to fact check historical assertions and beliefs, but, alas, he's just typical of the way too common type. 
Typically, it being Simps, he couldn't give a thimble of spit for anyone else who was their target.  I only have sympathy for the ones who were not guilty of crimes to any extent and to a far lesser extent non-criminal communists.  Communists in the aftermath of the exposure of the crimes against humanity of the Soviets and the countries they occupied in the wake of WWII, after the exposure of the Stalin show-trials, the planned starvation-genocide of Ukrainians, the slaughters in Poland, etc. etc. etc. Not to mention the new Chinese Communist state, are the moral equivalent of Nazis.  They're all of them the same kind of thing the American and Western right wing are, gangsters.   Marxism is the most pretentious kind of promotion of gangsterism in modern history, if you don't want to mention Darwinism, the inspiration of the Nazis and many putrid varieties of fascists. 
What I did is violate the mythology of a segment of post-war pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-academic, scribbling class lore which was a total and complete load of lies.  Simps being a college-credentialed, play-lefty movie and TV formed simp believes it as a learned mythology.   In order to believe it, you have to deny the above and many other hard facts. 

*  He's lying about that too, of course. 

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