Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Ennio Morricone.  Nah, not interested in movie composers, the only kind that Simps thinks are worth anything.  I don't think I've ever heard any stand-alone concert music by him and the movies almost inevitably and invariably suck.   The funny thing is, Simps' audience at Eschtaton never heard his name till Simps put on his mourning drag and went through his attention-getting act he does whenever a 91-year-old minor celebrity with a Hollywood tie in trips and unsurprisingly dies.  It had nothing to do with that movie hackoser, it had to do with Simps getting attention. 


  1. Tout le monde already knows you're a) proudly ignorant and b) an appalling snob. But it's nice of you to confirm that from time to time. Thanks, Sparkles.

    1. Unlike your fellow Eschatots, Simps, I at least knew who he was and I knew he was nothing like a great composer. He composed movie music that doesn't stand outside of the movies he wrote it for and was lavishly paid for. He got his just compensation in material terms, he doesn't deserve to be considered any more than that. You are a low-brow, middle-brow and not a very exceptional instance of one, either.

  2. I was gonna say that you do know that Morricone was a complete original who actually invented an entire musical genre. But then I remembered that no -- you don't.

    Here's a clue schmucko -- people are going to be listening to many of Morriocone's film scores 100 years after you and I are worm fodder.

  3. Gay baiting me, Sparky? How enlightened.

  4. Another typically brilliant comeback.

    1. Now, you see, Simpy, that's how we know you're straight, a sissy gay man would have had a better comeback. You can't even do a decent comb back, thus the Groucho beret. Randy Rainbow would have a great comeback, I'm sure. Great talent, that kid.

    2. Not bad to look at, if he'd wear street clothes, either.

  5. "Randy Rainbow would have a great comeback"

    And if that statement was any more stuffed with straw, it would have to go to the Emerald City and ask the Wizard for a brain.

    1. Let me guess, Randy Rainbow is too complicated for you. Too new, not something you saw in a movie in your extended, attenuated, eternal pubescence.

    2. You aren't fit to pass a positive critical judgement on him. Why don't you stick to the moldering oldering pop music and bull shit movies that your idea of high kulcha and intellectualism.

  6. Says the guy who has no idea what funny means.

    1. Says the guy who only knows when he sees the "Laugh" card go up. If I didn't know what funny didn't mean, I'd have found out from reading your attempts at it. I can say that your endless repetitions of other peoples' already old gag lines and the such has helped me to appreciate how perishable it is.

      One. Two. Three . . .

    2. Thanks for proving my point once again.

    3. That's about on the same level as "I know you are but what am I?" You peaked about 3rd grade, didn't you Simps. You've bored me I'm closing this down for now.

    4. Thus proving my point yet again. You really need to lay off the cooking sherry. That stuff is the curse of you people.

    5. Since Steve Simels knows that I've lost two members of my family to alcoholism and that I don't drink, he says this. Proving that he's a total asshole as well as an ethnic chauvinist and as big an asshole as any right winger. He's got that much in common with Steve Miller, though there is more, too.
