Sunday, July 19, 2020

Well, He Thinks William Borroughs and Henry Miller Were Geniuses So What Did You Expect?

Had a few minutes so I decided to document the guy Simps so ignorantly nominated as the ultimate kew-el white guy, Chet Baker.  This article is hardly encyclopedic in listing the drug induced train wreck that Baker was but it's accurate and enough to be going on with. 

Much of Baker’s life after 1958 is spent chasing the next high and doing almost anything to get it, from selling his trumpet to stealing drugs, money and prescriptions to using his many girlfriends and wives to run drugs for him, often at great risk to their own safety. Gavin renders the contours of Baker’s descent in prose as stark and austere as one of Baker’s own songs. Here’s Gavin’s description of the night when Baker forced his girlfriend Sandy Jones to shoot up with high grade heroin and left her alone in a comatose state:

Starting with his mother, Baker’s feelings about women had always been violently ambivalent: he needed them, yet he hated them for it. Jones became his latest victim. Years later she recounted the time “Chet tried to kill me.” In fact, it happened twice, although she never understood why. One day he came to the apartment with “a whole out fit of the darkest stuff in the world.” He shoved her into the bathroom, cooked up the dope, tied her arm, and plunged in a needle. “I got weak in the knees,” she said. “A couple of days later I came to.” She learned that Baker had walked out, leaving her on the floor – “blue, blue, blue.”

Chet Baker is a repellent figure, too coarse and pathological to be considered tragic. He was the ultimate nihilist. As a doper, he makes Keith Richards look like a novice. He seems to have had little curiosity about his condition, and even less empathy for the dozens of other lives he helped to wreck, including those of his children. When his son Dean was hit by a truck and seriously injured, Baker didn’t even call to check on his condition. Still Gavin’s account is strangely sympathetic. Baker lived moment to moment, fix to fix, gig to gig.  And yet he was able, even in a heroin haze, to play some of the most unforgettable melodies in jazz, tunes that continue to haunt the mind long after his death.

And if that wasn't enough, there's more:

Though one of Baker’s lovers exalted his talent for cunnilingus (he was a trumpet player, after all), Baker’s sexual technique drifted far from traditional notions of romantic love. He had no interest in foreplay, didn’t like to kiss and basically wanted to have missionary position sex as quickly and harshly as possible.  The sensual experience of being next to Baker also lacked a certain erotic appeal.  Hygiene didn’t come high on Baker’s list of priorities. He didn’t like to bathe, wash his hair or brush his teeth—when he had teeth. He rarely changed his clothes or washed them. By the mid-1960s, he walked around in sandals, because his feet were swollen from repeated injections, his untrimmed toenails curling like a Chinese empress. Nearly all of Baker’s long-time lovers became heroin addicts, after they encountered Chet.

Baker was a beater. He would berate and slap and punch his wives and girlfriends, often in public. His wife Carol was repeatedly seen sporting a pair of black eyes. He tried to strangle his longtime girlfriend Ruth Young with a telephone cord and later broke into her apartment, looted the place and sold her grand piano to pay for drugs.

Yeah, a real dream beau, the picture of kew-el.  

I doubt Stupy knows any of this, he like most middle-brow non-jazz listeners knows "My Funny Valentine" and the young Chet's biggest hits most of all the hit with non-jazz fans, "Chet Sings" from the early years of his recording career which is a better demonstration of the consequences of Housman's athlete not dying young but lingering on into a degenerate early adulthood and middle age.  Baker didn't die too soon at the age of 58, he died way too late. I say that noting how many of his many girlfriends and wives he beat up, cheated, robbed, got addicted to drugs, etc.  The world would have been better off if he'd done what he finally did before he took so many down with him.  Oh, yeah, and his crooning on that, probably his most famous disc, read about that at the end of the article.  

Also read the accurate description of Baker's crappy musicianship.  I would suspect that his drug use was partly if not muchly due to his insecurity because he knew he was a very limited musician.  Some musicians had said the same thing contributed to the alcoholic downfall of that far better candidate for coolness in a white Jazz man, Bix Beiderbeck.  I once wished I could have gone back and taught the poor guy how to read music and to have encouraged him to stop drinking, though that second one is a hell of a lot harder.  Beiderbeck was a true genius, Baker wasn't. As you can read in the rest of the article.

I do think you should note what drugs did to a true musical wonder, Charlie Parker and how even his advocacy for the young Chet Baker was a symptom of the tragic degeneration of that genius as drugs took him down.  It didn't make much of an impression on Baker.   He was many things, cool wasn't one of them. 


  1. Oh, you figure you have to live in NYC to know who Elvis Costello is? Like I said, none are more provincial than the dedicated NYC boy.
    He might toodle a bit on a pop record and he might croon in a way that makes a Simp wet his pants but, as Miles Davis said to him, “Man, you suck.”

  2. Like you know the difference, assuming there even is one.

  3. Well, as the title says, you idolize some of the biggest assholes and phonies of all time. Maybe it's because I've heard better that I don't mistake him as great. I went to Youtube and listened to some of those Baker-Costello things. Geesh! What drivel. Oddly, Baker's playing shows the same thing is true for jazz as for comedy, if it gets stuck in the same place, it sucks. Costello's singing? Ironic considering how much Baker hated Miles Davis' fusion that he'd end up working for drug money with a pop musician aping his 50s singing style. I've got my reservations about Miles Davis, who could be a real asshole. But he didn't get stuck in his own past.

  4. I don't remember, were you in on that brawl where I critisized Miles Davis at Eschaton,your buddy, that idiot Tradmark Dave was. I didn't nominate him as a great guy, I said he was musically competent, which he was. He wasn't the greatest of trumpet players and a lot of what he is famous for is on the basis of his work with good musicians who could arrange rather brilliantly, but he was a normal guy compared to Chet Baker. Admit it, Simps,other than that shit he did with Costello and "My Funny Valentine" you knew nothing about him.

  5. First, it is so obvious how clueless you, YOU WHO HAS ENDLESSLY BRAGGED ABOUT HAVING GOTTEN PAID FOR WRITING CRITICISM OF PEOPLE WITH MORE ABILITY AND TALENT THAN YOU HAVE is claiming that me pointing out that compared to other trumpet players of his time, before and arguably after, Miles Davis wasn't the best of them constitutes me believing I'm superior to him. I would guess that that means you believe yourself to be superior to a far longer list of artists than I have because most of my criticism is restricted to politics and I have never accepted or asked for money to do it.

    Second, OOOOOOOOh! Simps has watched a documentary! He's an instant expert, just add water, or what else is it that he's soaked in? A music documentary! Wow, I'm wondering if I've ever seen one that plays a whole cut from an LP or a side of a 78 without interrupting it with some professional critic. A movie about music is probably less informative than reading a COMPETENT critic on it,though most critics are like you, stupid and superficial. Anyone who listened to to a representative range of of the music AND KNOWS THE CONTEXT OF IT is probably in a better position to judge music than the maker of a bullshit movie. Movies are one of the worst means of educating people as Ken Burns demonstrated when he made his Jazz docu-series. That is, oddly, interestingly apropos of the topic of
    Chet Baker. Burns, knowing nothing about the topic, as he, himself admitted, relied on chosen experts as he relied on the like of Shelby Foote in his Civil War docu-series. Only he relied on reactionaries like Stanley Crouch and Wynton Marsalis - who may have legitimate points of view - but who are more museum curators of the past than anyone who does what Betty Carter said was the life of jazz, making it new every day. You, Stupy, not only make it old, you can it for resale when it's years and years out of code, like the last 30 years of Chet Bakers career. He was a very limited talent who opted to become a junkie instead of trying. I have more respect for a pop singer who does make the effort and fails sometimes - Robbie Robertson is an example - than one who doesn't even try. Happens with jazz musicians as well as pop musicians. You like the stale, the imitation, the tired and tried and tried and tried and was once true.

    And none of that changes the fact that Chet was about as much of a hipster as the drunken brute two streets away who beats up his girlfriend regularly. He's about as cool as the blackbird eating redneck drunk who got one of myc cousins hooked on liquor which killed her before it killed him. He had two other wives he did that to. You, documentary semi-literate did't read that link I posted in the piece, did you, in which he proved what a total asshole of a nihilist (they all being assholes) he was to his colleagues as well as his wives and girlfriends. How when Jerry Mulligan took the wrap for Chet and his girlfriend and went to prison on drug charges the asshole shafted him and stabbed him in the back. You should read how he was too incompetent to take Mulligan's place as the band leader because he didn't have the musical knowledge to do it. Some, even pop musicians, who know they
    don't know something will go to the bother of learning it, Chesney boy fell back on his minimalist talent to do the minimal knowing that his adoring fans weren't really interested in music, they liked the familiar and the soothingly simple and "hauntingly" evocative which is one of the easier effects to fake, the stuff of torchy singers and melodramatic actors. The kind of shit you like when you want to pretend that you're being serous and all elevated above your typical level.

  6. "read the accurate description of Baker's crappy musicianship. I would suspect that his drug use was partly if not muchly due to his insecurity because he knew he was a very limited musician. Some musicians had said the same thing contributed to the alcoholic downfall of that far better candidate for coolness in a white Jazz man, Bix Beiderbeck. I once wished I could have gone back and taught the poor guy how to read music"

    And right there, you pedantic putz, all the world can see why you've never amounted to a hill of beans artistically. Because you're too stupid to understand that you can accomplish great and original things without being properly schooled. Poor poor Bix and Chet -- if only you'd given them piano lessons, people might know who they were and still be listening to their music. I should add that Frank Sinatra couldn't read music either. Boy did he suck.

    Oh, and as for Baker's personal life, who gives a flying fuck. I mean, Phil Spector actually murdered a woman and that's no reason to stop listening to the Ronettes records he produced.

    Have I mentioned that you're profoundly stupid?

    1. Phil Spector, Phil Spector, Phil fucking Spector and the fucking Ronettes. Will you at least pull out another fucking cliche from your shallow box of them?

      To get to be really great in jazz without knowing how to read music and know harmony in a formal way you have to be truly a genius of the Louis Armstrong-Ella Fitzgerald class, your teen idol, Chet Baker was no where near one. He merely had a talent which got him way more than it would have if his audience hadn't been, as the article implies peddled through Hollywood style "celluloid romanticism/" He was the career maker for a number of cliche peddling celebrity photographers and other such show biz parasites, critics, too.
      You're the one who promoted him as a hipster WHICH IS ALL ABOUT LIFESTYLE, YOU PUTZ. Now that you have had your NPR-PBS, NYT features section non-knowledge about him shattered with a bit of knowledge that makes "Funny Valentine" sound like a dystopian freak show you want to make it all about the music. Though not really about that but about the common received, mandated POV of that music which is what your life has really been about, not the reality of something, the mandated view of it.

      He had a minor talent that he squandered even as he willingly let a host of parasitic promoters pump him up with pin-up boy pictures and his little-boy pouty self-pitying voice and, to a lesser extent, his torchy trumpet playing as long as they supplied him with drug money. Nothing about him rises above that. He was in no way hip, I'll bet he hardly knew what was going on around him other than where to maybe be able to get drugs. I bet he mostly didn't know who was president of the United States his last thirty years.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. " me pointing out that compared to other trumpet players of his time, before and arguably after, Miles Davis wasn't the best of them constitutes me believing I'm superior to him."

    In your case, yes it does mean you believe that.

    I should add that you also feel superior to the Beatles, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, all standup comedians and I've forgotten how many others you've dissed condescendingly over the years. This is not exactly a state secret, Sparkles -- you're a disgusting snob based on no discernable creative talent of your own.

    1. I never compared Miles Davis to me, A. I don't play trumpet, B. I am not a jazz musician. In this brawl I've given him his due as compared to your white-bread pin-up boy idol Chet Baker - Miles Davis was in every way a better musician than he was, including on something close to Chet's home turf which Davis left largely behind as he moved on to new things as Chet repeated his late 50s crap for the next 30 years and as HE SLAMMED DAVIS FOR DOING IT. Clearly Chet believed HE was superior to Miles Davis even as he wasn't.

      I've never condemned Oscar Wilde's writing some of it is quite good. I did critisize his act as a fop, though on at least one occasion his witty act of lazy ennui gave me something to compare Duncan's to. George Bernard Shaw I've criticized for his proto-Nazism before Nazism existed which obviously is OK with you, even his open adoration of Hitler up to and even into the start of not only the Second World War BUT EVEN DURING THE PERIOD OF THE FINAL SOLUTION. It's so funny Stupy that because two Broadway hacks made something of his one good comedy Pygmalion (tacking on the same tacky ending they did when they made it into a movie) you, MR. HOLOCAUST AVENGER (in his own mind) are a great champion of a flagrant admirer of Hitler whose plays were not only produced by the Nazi establishment, as I recall some of them translated with Nazi support, because Hitler saw in Shaw not only a fellow lover of genocide but as a possible useful tool once they invaded Britain.

      You are as vile a piece of shit as Chet was.

    2. SHORTER SPARKY: Simels making fun of me means he’s as bad as a junkie wife beater.

    3. Shorter Stupy, Let's see what I have in my little bag of pat phrases to try to get my ass out of the sling I got it into this time. Hey why don't you tell cat-guy Bob I'd like him to drop by to say hello, I'm sure he'd find it fun to read our exchange.

  9. "To get to be really great in jazz without knowing how to read music and know harmony in a formal way you have to be truly a genius of the Louis Armstrong-Ella Fitzgerald class"

    SHORTER SPARKY: Somebody died and appointed me the God of jazz.

    1. Oh, maybe I should have included a white music illiterate in the lest, then you might have accepted it. Or do you figure Armstrong and Fitzgerald aren't among the greatest musical geniuses of the 20th century. What? Phil Spector didn't produce them? Yeah, they couldn't hold a candle to the Ronettes.

    2. You just called Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald musical illiterates.

      Kudos, Sparky. :-)

    3. No, I said i could have added a white musical illiterate to the list so you'd have a white guy to relate to. You aren't so hot on it when I point out that there were many, many musicians of color who were better than your A-hole A-list of white bread heroes.

  10. There's not one of your arguments above that if they were any more filled with straw wouldn't have to go to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard for a brain.

    1. It's an absolute fact that George Bernard Shaw was advocating building the kind of giant gas chambers and murdering anyone he figured wasn't economically valuable at Fabian Society meetings from at least c. 1910. It is an absolute fact that he was an open and published admirer of Hitler, in Britain and elsewhere all during the 1930s and even up to and into the wars. His play Geneva - which he had to keep revising because the earliest drafts were too openly admiring of Hitler even as things were progressing into the gas chamber mass murders and invasions of other countries - carried one of the viler stereotypes of Jews giving the Nazi figure the upper hand in an argument with him. Those are facts you ignorant minor figure of the bottom side of the scribbling class. AND YOU JUST LOVE HIM BECAUSE OF MY FAIR LADY, like Chet Baker, you only know one thing about him and it's hardly representative of him or his work. He was more of a flagrant Hitler lover than most of the American Hitler lovers that you could pull out of your ignorance. And one with more influence.

  11. And all of the above has exactly dick to do with whether his plays are good.

    1. Other than Pygmalion, they mostly suck. As someone asked a while back, who reads them outside of college Shaw classes? How many of them get produced? If they didn't have his name on them, no one would produce most of them. He was little to nothing compared to O'Neill, Wilde, Arthur Miller, . . . If those to Broadway hacks hadn't riffed of of THE MOVIE of Pygmaleon you'd probably have never thought of him at all. That time I posted Candida so people could hear something of Katherine Cornell's work, I was kind of shocked at how awful it was. It's a pedantic anachronistic piece of crap.

    2. Oh, yeah, Stupy, and Leni Riefenstahl's work should be judged on her use of the camera and lighting, right? How about Eberhard Taubert, Fritz Hippler? No mention of the ideological content of their show biz junk? Your comment that his political-economic babbling had nothing to do with his plays could only be made out of total ignorance of his plays AS THOSE WERE CONSIDERED, BY HIM, TO CARRY THE CONTENT OF HIS POLITICAL-ECONOMIC THOUGHT. No one who had read even the text of Pygmalion as well as his preface and epilogue to it could say something so totally daft. See, that's the difference between us Simps, especially re Shaw, I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, YOU WATCHED THE HOLLYWOOD MOVIE OF THE MUSICAL.

    3. PYGMALION is on my Kindle. In fact I re-read it last year.

    4. Either you're lying about reading it or you a. didn't understand it and b. you didn't read Shaw's preface or his epilogue which state his political-economic intentions. For fucksake, Stupy, the whole fucking premise and plot of the piece is about the British class system. You would have to be mind numbed by TV and pop music to be too stupid to notice that fact.

    5. It’s about the Brit class system? Thanks for heads up, Captain Obvious.

    6. I'd ask again if you knew you'd just disproved your contention that his political-economic thinking had and I will quote you "dick all to do" with his plays. You see, Stupy, that's another difference between us, I keep track of what I've said when we're doing this and what you said. You have the intellectual and moral integrity of Trump's media flacks. I wonder if the guys at Eschaton who you attack would like to see this exchange. I'll bet they would.

  12. I should that you calling Lerner and Lowe hacks is the height of unintentional hilarity.

    1. 3a: a person who works solely for mercenary reasons : HIRELING
      party hacks
      b: a writer who works on order
      also : a writer who aims solely for commercial success

      Pretty much covers everyone who works in musicals.

    2. I mean boy, those MFL songs are just terrible. :-)

    3. None of it is that great, maybe the Ascot Gavotte, the rest of it as music is meh.

    4. They weren't Cole Porter, you know. They weren't Eubie Blake or Fats Waller.

    5. The music for My Fair Lady fits OK into the show, not much of it has that much of a life outside of the show that I can recall hearing. I don't think any of their songs can compare to the best of those three songwriters. They never wrote anything as good as Memories of You.

  13. "If they didn't have his name on them, no one would produce most of them"

    SHORTER SPARKY: Here at the Non Sequitur institute, I have learned that I'd be cute if I had a different face.

  14. "Leni Riefenstahl's work should be judged on her use of the camera and lighting, right? "

    Among other things, yeah.

    1. I’ve said it before but it behooves repeating — you’re a deeply damaged human being living a pathetically parched joyless life.

    2. You're a deeply limited person who couldn't understand an adult level of enjoyment.

  15. Hey, looking over this, it would appear Simps has shortness on his mind. You can probably guess why he's kind of OC about it. Though he probably can't see the root of his shortness obsession anymore.

  16. You know Sparkles -- I genuinely thought you might be smart and/or self-aware enough not to respond to my last comment, because it is a)self-evidently true and b)the only response you'd be able to make was "Am not--you are" which would make you look like an even bigger jerk.

    I have to say I'm actually depressed that you continue to live down to my expectations.

    Go give it a rest, you hick pisher. You're a pathetic laughing stock by any objective standard and everybody who has read this thread -- granted, a miniscule subset (heh!) of humanity -- knows it.

    1. You keep telling yourself that. If you're so confident, tell the Eschatots all about how to find this exchange and I dare them to read it.

    2. Oooh, I'm trembling in my Capezios. :-)

    3. Let me guess, you've got your Poldark breeches on.

    4. Ooh, I know, Simps, you can hand out little ballots so they can vote on who did better, you now like La Jenkins.

  17. "a person who works solely for mercenary reasons : HIRELING
    party hacks
    b: a writer who works on order
    also : a writer who aims solely for commercial success

    Pretty much covers everyone who works in musicals. "

    SHORTER SPARKY: People who work in the arts field shouldn't get paid. Because something.

    1. Where did I say that? No, Simps, that doesn't get your ass out of your self fitted sling. People who produce commercial shit shouldn't get to pretend they're producing art for some higher purpose.

    2. You have no idea how the business of art works. You also have no idea how art works, so no big surprise.


      Shit is anything I don't like.

      Also: Received wisdom is anything I disagree with.

    4. It's occasionally right, but not because it's common received. What is ironic is that the common received wisdom is probably reliably traced because it's everything you agree with as you're too superficial and ignorant to know why.

  18. I'm just going to let him gas on for now. I'll open the windows so the methane doesn't build up and explode.


      The above post of mine is genuinely witty. And if you disagree, you're a big poopy head.

    2. I said you were incapable of understanding adult thinking. Just what do you think I thought was a display of wit? Most of it is dead awful stuff quoted from a magazine article. Or do you mistakenly think I think like you do, figuring everything is all about me? Well, a Simels place is in the wrong, and that's located up his ass.

    3. Adult thinking? You?


      Here's a clue, schmucko.

      You're not an adult. You're an old fogey.

      You used to be a young fogey, which of course was even sadder, but today...please.

    4. You're a giggling idiot. I'm not the one who got personally offended over "OK boomer". You're the one who gets his knickers in a knot over those gol blasted young'uns at Eschaton, in their 40s and 50s. I had a 23 year old recently tell me I was the most computer competent person of my age cohort she had met. I was kind of shocked, but, then, maybe she knows a bunch of Simels.

    5. Oh, yeah, and I'm not the one wetting my pants over the 62 year old incompetent crooning of a pretty boy intellectual grandfather of Kenny G as a trumpet toodler. That would be you.
