Saturday, July 25, 2020

I have blocked all domains associated with Simps and all of his known sock-puppet names.  He can lie his head off - as he will certainly do - without me being aware of it.   

Simps mocked my late father who was permanently disabled in the fight against the Nazis and their allies.   I can tolerate his lies about me and have used them as a diversion and as an entree into studying the degeneracy of the secular play-left, the degeneration of education and the intellectual value of a college degree and associated depravities but that was the definitive breaking point.  I would repeat what Joseph Welch asked of Joe McCarthy, the coup de gras of his similar but far more prominent public life is confirmed,  he has no decency, no honesty, no character.

That type is a dime a thousand, there are more interesting examples to use as a jumping off point, some who will try to address facts.  Ones who at least read on more than a Trumpian level.  Simps never, ever addresses facts, he just repeats the Hollywood-TV-low to mid-brow scribbling class lies.  That is clearly OK with his type of play-lefty, the kind that Eschaton has provided a typical example of, one of the reasons they're counterproductive to a more decent future.  I've moved on from that. 

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