Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Brain Diseased Brain Trust

No one has pointed out a thing I said that was untrue, no one has pointed out exactly what was supposed to be "antisemetic" about it.  The Eschaton "brain trust" - they really do, unironically call themselves that - check about as many facts as Trump does. 

All I did was point out that contrary to what was claimed, in the Army-McCarthy hearings, SOMETHING THAT SIMPS MADE HIS CLAIMS ABOUT!, not only was the scumbag Senator from Wisconson (That's Joe McCarthy for the Eschatots who wouldn't know that) had hired Roy Cohn to be his chief-counsel and he hired G. David Schine to work for him too.   It's pretty much near entirely impossible to accuse him of antisemitism, especially when, as mentioned, he was a board member of a Jewish McCarthyite group.

As to what I said about the possibility that McCarthy may have been gay along with Cohn and very likely the rich-Harvard boy Schine (they, unusually, shared a private office and expenses - Schine was quite wealthy) and they were widely rumored to be having an affair while working for McCarthy.

As to what I said about the danger of McCarthy coming on to you:

Was McCarthy himself gay?  There were certainly widespread rumors to that effect, despite the hard-drinking bachelor senator’s propensity for pawing women at parties.  Drew Pearson, the syndicated columnist, who despised McCarthy, kept a file on the subject.  In his diary entry of January 14, 1952, Pearson makes mention of a letter that a young Army lieutenant had written to Senator William Benton of Connecticut claiming that McCarthy had engaged in an act of sodomy with him after picking him up in a bar.  But when the FBI interviewed the lieutenant, he denied everything, claiming that his letter had been planted by “another homo who was jealous.”  None of Pearson’s information ever reached print, at a time when newspapers were far less inclined to publish information about private lives of high officials than they are today.

            One newspaper publisher had no such compunction, however.  He was Hank Greenspun, the publisher of the Las Vega Sun.  A former press agent for a Las Vegas gambling house, Greenspun was a passionate McCarthy-hater.  He had his reasons: McCarthy had once referred to Greenspun’s newspaper as “the local Daily Worker” and charged erroneously that Greenspun was an army deserter and ex-convict.  In an October 25, 1952 article in the Sun, Greenspun minced no word.  “Joe McCarthy is a bachelor of 43 years,” he noted.  “He seldom dates girls and if he does he laughingly describes it as window dressing.  It is common talk among homosexuals in Milwaukee who rendezvous at the White Horse Inn that Senator Joe McCarthy often engaged in homosexual activities.  The persons in Nevada who listened to McCarthy’s radio talk thought he had the queerest laugh.  He has.  He is.”  In another article, Greenspun wrote, “The Young Republicans held a state convention in Wausua, Wis., at which Sen. McCarthy was an honored guest.  During the convention, McCarthy spent the night with William McMahon, formerly an official of the Milwaukee County Young Republicans, in a Eausua hotel room, at which time, McCarthy and McMahon engaged in illicit acts with each other.”  It was widely believed that Greenspun’s “information” came from Drew Pearson’s files  McCarthy contemplated suing Greenspun but never did so.

            All the evidence about McCarthy’s alleged sexual proclivities remains circumstantial.  Thomas C. Reeves, author of the most extensive biography of McCarthy, states flatly that the senator wasn’t gay.  But McCarthy was clearly discomfited by the accusations.  In September 1953, at the age of forty-five the Wisconsin senator married Jean Kerr, a member of his staff.  But even marriage didn’t entirely dispel the talk.

Looks like a beard to me. 

As to whether or not he was part of a threesome with Cohn and Schine, I don't know.  Here's more from the chapter of the book where that last passage came from,  "The Age of McCarthy," from Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History form 1869 to the Present.

In 1953, Cohn prevailed over Robert F. Kennedy to become the McCarthy investigatory committee’s chief counsel.  Cohn brought along his friend and night-clubbing companion, G. David Schine, as “Chief Consultant” to the committee.  Within a few months, the two young men were running the show.  Heir to a hotel fortune, the twenty-six-year-old Schine was “a good-looking young man in the sallow, sleekly coiffed, and somnolent-eyed style that one used to associate with male orchestra singers,” writes Richard H. Rovere.  In fact, at one time he had been a press agent for the Vaughn Monroe orchestra and had published two or three ballads of his own, on of which was called “Please Say Yes or It’s Goodbye.”  As an undergraduate at Harvard, Schine was known for living in a high style that featured an exquisitely furnished room, a valet, and a large black convertible equipped with a two-way telephone.  Schine’s anti-Communist credentials rested on a six-page pamphlet called “Definition of Communism,” which along with the Gideon Bible, was placed in every room of the Schine hotel chain.

            Cohn and Schine were “a study in contrasts,” notes David M. Oshinsky in his book A Conspiracy So Immense.  “Cohn was short, dark, intense, and abrasive; Schine was tall, fair, frivolous, and complacent.”  According to some observers, it was Schine who was the dominant influence.  Despite Cohn’s intellectual brilliance, Schine was fond of humiliating Cohn in front of strangers and acting as if Cohn was his inferior.

            In April 1953, Cohn and Schine set off for Europe, ostensibly to investigate U.S.-run libraries to make sure that no left-wing literature was hiding out on their shelves.  The trip was a fiasco that turned up nothing, infuriated virtually every American embassy in Western Europe, and turned the two investigators into laughing-stocks.  (In one incident, Schine supposedly chased Cohn through a hotel lobby, swatting him over the head with a magazine.)  Upon their arrival at a particular hotel, Cohn and Schine would ask for adjoining rooms but insist on separate accommodations, explaining, “You see, we don’t work for the State Department!”  The joke seems to have been primarily for the benefit of a retinue of journalists who recorded their every move; hotel reservations clerks in Rome or Vienna were unlikely to have heard very much about accusations that the U.S. State Department was a haven for homosexuals.

            Nicholas von Hoffman, one of Cohn’s biographers, reports that people who saw Cohen and Schine close up doubted that they were lovers or that Schine was gay.  People who observed them at a distance assumed they were just two playboys.  Cohn, in private conversation with friends, denied any intimate involvement with Schine.  In any event, Cohn was deep in the closet.  He was dating women and spending more time at the Stork Club than in Washington’s gay bars.  For years, he would deny that he was gay, telling journalist Ken Auletta in an interview in the 1970s, “Anyone who knows me and knows anything about the way I function . . . would have an awfully hard time reconciling, ah, ah, reconciling, that with ah, ah, any kind of homosexuality.  Every facet of my personality, of my, ah, aggressiveness, of my toughness, of everything along those lines, is just totally, I suppose, incompatible, with anything like that.”  As Hoffman notes, Cohn’s “embarrassed, thick-tongued denial of his sexuality” took place at a time when even high-school students had come to realize that most gay men were anything but “limp-wristed, lavender lads.”  Cohn’s view of what constituted a gay man remained mired in stereotypical notions of the fifties.  At the time of his well-publicized death from AIDS in 1986, newspapers did not hesitate to write about his homosexuality.

            During Cohn’s eighteen-month period of service to Senator McCarthy, the young counsel apparently had no compunction about using allegations of other people’s homosexuality to destroy them.  Whether this was an effort to hide his own homosexuality through cruelty to others, or an expression of gay self-hatred, or his own defiant pride in his own toughness and aggressiveness, or some combination of all three, is anyone’s guess.  The first case concerned Samuel Reber, the Acting High Commissioner in Germany.  Cohn was convinced that Reber had deliberately trapped him and Schine into a news conference at a stop in Bonn during their European junket, in order to make them look ridiculous.  According to von Hoffman’s sources, the McCarthy people had dug up a story about a homosexual relationship that Reber had supposedly been involved in as an undergraduate at Harvard years before.  They threatened Reber with its revelation.  Reber resigned from the State Department.

            Then there was the case of Senator Lester Hunt, a Wyoming Democrat.  An opponent of McCarthy, Hunt was up for reelection the following November to a Senate that was split down the middle between Democrats and Republicans.  Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire, a friend and political ally of Cohn, had a talk with Hunt.  Unless Hunt withdrew from the race for reelection in November, Bridges reportedly told him, everyone in Wyoming would find out that Hunt’s son had been arrested the previous October for soliciting a D.C. plainclothes policeman for “lewd and immoral purposes.”  Hunt withdrew from the race.  Eleven days later, he shot himself to death in his Senate office.

You see, unlike the jackass who inspired this who claimed to be a scholar of the topic,  I have, actually, read a bit on it. 


  1. "About the only thing someone was in danger of from Joe McCarthy while being Jewish might be getting asked for a date."

    And with that comment, you have definitively and forever removed yourself from the ranks of even marginally decent human beings.

    If the God you profess to believe in actually exists, it will make sure your disgustingly anti-Semitic ass rots in hell for all eternity.

    1. Oh my, and here you were doing so much better for, what, 18 hours?

      He didn't discriminate against anyone for being Jewish, obviously. Hey how about I go all Simps and claim that him favoring Cohn and his fuck buddy over your goyisher idol, Bobby Kennedy proves he had an animus against the Irish? It would work almost as well as the myth you're pushing. I wonder if anyone ever amassed a list of Jewish supporters of Joe McCarthy (I won't call him "taillgunner: because he made that up, you know, you boob, that it was supposed to be a GOOD thing for his reputation, only, no, you didn't).

      Tell Grandma Poisson to soak her head. She never bothered to see what I ever said about anything, she's too busy airing her family linen to a bunch of people who couldn't care less to do anything that responsible.

      Hey, Simps, did you catch that line from the great Randy Rainbow's latest video you can see it on my real blog. He mentions Queens.

  2. Oh, yeah, I should mention, not only was it NOT JOE MCCARTHY WHO PROSECUTED HER but Irving Saypol, the trial of Moskowitz and Brothman was presided over by Judge Irving Kaufman, Roy Cohn. Harry Gold and Elizabeth Bentley testified against her and her boyfriend Abraham Brothman. It would seem that the only gentile who participated in her prosecution may have been that drunken mercenary bitch Elizabeth Bentley.

  3. YOU are the one who made claims that were untrue, not me. You've got more in common with Stephen Miller than I do, both being liars and smear artists. You haven't refuted any of what I said in any of this and you don't much care that you're wrong about the most basic facts about things including those about a woman you claimed you knew, personally. And this isn't the only time you told the same lies which I documented were lies the last time you tried to use her to attack me. You never met her, I doubt your mother ever worked with her, you didn't even know the first thing about who it was who prosecuted her. It would have been kind of hard for McCarthy to have done it as she was prosecuted in the Southern District's territory Joseph McCarthy was a sitting member of the Senate and wasn't a prosecutor. Roy Cohn didn't work for him until four years later. He was working under Saypol in the Southern District. No, Stupy, as I said, her trial for lying to the FBI was hardly an antisemitic manifestation as almost all of the key members of the prosecution and the court were Jewish. You just want to create a bit of myth to enhance yourself in your own and the impressible Eschatots imaginations. So, Stupy, you're using her just as Roy Cohn and Irving Saypol used her. Not to mention her scumbag boyfriend and his Stalinist buddies. You want to blame someone for her troubles, you could only honestly name them. No one made her be their patsy, she was an adult, she chose to do it no matter what that dippy documentarian wants to make of her. She was using her too.

  4. By the way Stupy, promises, promises.

  5. Oooh, you the one man Meir Kahane gang now? I'm supposed to think a podgey, cootster couch potato like you is going to, what, kick me in the shins? Still not a refutation of a single thing, Stupy, not one, BECAUSE EVERYTHING I SAID WAS TRUE.
