Saturday, July 18, 2020

Maybe I Should Keep It Up As An Undeserved Kindness To The Coot

Simps will never admit it but he taunts me because my response is the only kind of intellectual stimulation he has ever had.  He's used to talking to his fellow maintainers of the common-received-"wisdom" and their counterpart in the alleged other-side of the discourse of the unintelligentsia, the unlightenment.   He's never had the experience of talking with someone who is part of none of that who makes sure that before he says something on an important subject, that he knows what he's talking about.  It would be like someone who never had gado-gado before tasting it for the first time.  Only I suspect if it hadn't been written up in the Times supplement he'd figure it wasn't kollege-kredentialed- kew-el to approve of tasting it.  

Me, I think a good part of the fucking mess we are in as a country flows right out of the New York Times feuilleton sections and their like in other venues of lower-mid-brow kulcha.  The tempot in a tin-pot over Bari Weiss isn't even mildly interesting outside of that.  That piece of shit has no moral center, she is exactly the kind of shit that floats to the top in it. The greater world doesn't give a shit about it.  Simps doesn't even rate that. 

Stupy gets so little chance to use his vestiges of mental capacity that this might be the last thing that keeps him from degenerating into full-blown dementia.   He's not that far from it.  As I said,  I was not feeling well so I figured I should have a bit of fun with his continued taunting.  None of it much troubles me.  I mean, at first when he lied about me being an antisemite it was a bit of a concern because I know his fellow mid-brows would believe that kind of thing without ever checking to see if it were true - Duncan couldn't care less that he promotes slanders and libels and lies - but then I realized they are a pretty pathetic rump of what that place used to be so it wasn't worth being concerned with that.  The only thing important about that is its dishonest use damages the force of the accusation of antisemtism just when that is most needed.  


  1. Another definition of unintentionally hilarious: The level of preening self-regard and delusion in the above.

    Kudos, Sparkles, you’re a freaking riot.😀

    1. Oh, Stupy, "preening self-regard" isn't necessary in outdoing you. Mere adequacy leaves you behind as you never reach it. I said you'd never admit it but I'm sure many of the tots of Eschaton will think what I said is a real explanation of why you're so obsessed with me. Three, two, one.

  2. Oh pish tosh. You’re an anti-Semite, a general jackass, and a figure of fun. Taunting you is an amusing diversion in these trying times.

    1. I tremble at the thought of such violence.😀

    2. Surely all you know of that is Lehrner and Lowvian. Are you retarded? I've made no secret of how much I loathe Shaw or, let me guess, you don't know that's who "Shavian" refers to. You are about as witty as the Shavian alphabet.

  3. "It would be like someone who never had gado-gado before tasting it for the first time. Only I suspect if it hadn't been written up in the Times supplement he'd figure it wasn't kollege-kredentialed- kew-el to approve of tasting it."

    This is particularly amusing from somebody who's made it a badge of honor to claim to have never had a meal at a restaurant in decades. :-)

    1. Oh,dear. I learned about gado-gado from he local Indonesians who live around here. "Badge of honor," no you NYCidiot, I'd have to be the same kind of lazy, stupid, insecure kew-el clutching idiot of the kind who believes owning a comedy album is an act of comedic genius, sitting in an audience is an enormous means of attaining status or who believes trying to impress the Geritol and Chaliss swilling rump at Eschaton is worth three seconds of effort to think that going to or not going to a restaurant is a "badge of honor." The town next to mine has an Indonesian church in it. Of course you have no idea from your lily white milieu in Queens that there is diversity springing up all over. Let me guess, the TimesSunday Feuilleton hasn't talked about it yet so that fact hasn't seeped into the mid-brow NYC common received "wisdom" yet. When it's in it or some other such venue, you'll rush to Eschaton to announce you are the Columbus who discovered that fact, in the NYT supplement. Now, Goodbye Columbus.

  4. So you’ve actually been to a restaurant in the last couple of decades?


    1. I suppose the idea of friendship is totally foreign to you if the "friend" isn't someone you can use for your own advancement or promotion,imaginary as those, no doubt, are in your case.
