Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Simps and Trump are alike re truth telling, 
As well in their ranting and yelling,
They both come from Queens,
And they both act like tweens 
And oddly alike re repelling. 


  1. As you know, I'm from New Jersey.

    Not that there's anything wrong with Queens, which as you hate to admit is the most ethnically diverse place in the USA.

    1. Yeah, the same place that led Norman Lear and Bud Yorkin chose to have Archie Bunker come from, I can see what that "ethnic diversity" produced in Donald Trump with whom you share a lot more in common than you'd ever want anyone to notice, chauvinism, ignorance, the propensity to lie noted above. Immaturity as also noted above.

      I love getting you to repeat something that anyone who had the ability to reason would know proves you are functionally retarded. Far as I'm concerned, you've told virtually every lie you told about me for the past decade you produced while your ass was planted on Queens. You come from the same place that produced Donald Trump. The bonus comes from your admirers at Eschaton prove that they are as much chumps for you as Trump's chumps are for him. They don't really care about the truth.

      I'm quickly getting bored with this, Simps, I figured I'd give it about a month to see if it was sufficiently entertaining and you're too repetitious to entertain me on more than when I'm idle and bored. I'm not idle and bored enough these days. I do find it funny when I find out you've been repeating things you read at my blog as if they're your own thoughts. I got into your mind, Simps. You have done nothing to mine except help me find out that some of those things I'd lazily had in common with you were really not true or rational. Play lefty bull shit we both got from the play-left, so much of it based in the lesser-greater NYC area, a place as benighted as any polity, anywhere. As can be seen it its politicians.

  2. Nice of you to stereotype the over 2,000,000 residents of the most ethnically diverse area in America on the basis of a 50 year old TV show. Especially since you're always claiming that you don't watch tv because it's shit.

    1. I never had much of an idea of Queens before I saw Norman Leer's depiction of it. Finding out you'd parked your fat ass on the land that produced Trump didn't do much to improve the idea of it that Norman Leer left me with. In between those, I don't think I ever thought of it much and don't see any reason to than any other polity in the world or the United States. Get over yourselves, that's the biggest thing I think of the entire NYC area. The world does not think as highly of you as you demand it does and is never going to.

  3. So you're ADMITTING that your knowledge of Queens is entirely down to having watched a few episodes of a 50 year old TV sitcom.

    I admire your honesty, but your level of stupidity is quite frankly breathtaking. Kudos!!!!

    1. Oh, I forgot to answer this one. Clearly, since I was innocent of knowing who either Trump or Simels were, I've learned more about Queens than I knew in the early 70s. Considering I knew it was only one of the five boroughs of New York City, something Simps can't quite fathom the significance of, it is no more an idependent entity than the other four boroughs. As I recall one of Simp's great debating points was that Queens had its own DA. I already knew the other boroughs did, too, the ones from Manhattan having been so much in the news, I could name them, apparently Simps had never heard of them though his fat ass is planted on it and his mouth is permanently affixed to its teat, that is when it isn't kissing his own picture.
