Friday, July 24, 2020

Posing In A Time Of Plague

It's pretty funny for Simps to puff out his scrawny little chest and tap it with his fists and wheeze his threats about the terrible hurtin' he lay on me if I set foot in NYC when, years ago,  I told him I had no interest in visiting it again.   For a start, everyone I knew there is dead and I'd have to pay to stay in a hotel.  For getting on with it, other than seeing a few pictures in a few museums there,  meh.   Not to mention I'm not going past the border with New Hampshire until Covid has been suppressed.  

A local politician told me that the state government has been begging the Canadian government to lift the travel ban because the tourism industry here in Maine is suffering enormously, Old Orchard Beach is really suffering,  Canadians, especially from Quebec having been one of their greatest sources of trade.  The Canadians are not eager to have their people coming to the developed country with the worst record of spreading the disease.  I'm not even crossing the border into New Hampshire to go shopping because, though it has been relatively lightly stricken, going anywhere you don't have to is unwise these days. 

As for Simps warning me he won't come back because I pissed him off by pointing out what a whopper of a lie he told in a way that even he had absolutely nothing he could come back with BECAUSE EVERY WORD I SAID WAS NOT ONLY TRUE IT IS FULLY DOCUMENTED IN PUBLIC COURT RECORDS, THE RECORDS OF SENATE HEARINGS,  HISTORY AND EVEN THE "DOCUMENTARIES" THAT ARE THE ONLY SOURCE OF "HISTORY" THAT THE LIKES OF SIMPS EVER HAS LOOKED AT. 


  1. They may, if they had associations that would bring them to the commie-hunters attention have had something to fear from them, as they would from Irving Saypol, Roy Cohn, G. David Schine, Judge Irving Kaufman, the Jewish Anti-Communist League, etc. but clearly not because they were Jewish. It is clear from his hiring practices in the period of the Army-McCarthy hearings and things like the list of those he went after when he had to produce names from the lie he told about having more than 200 names of communist connected employees of the federal government that he didn't target people specifically because they were Jews. As I mentioned, he favored Cohn over the son of one of his bigger and more influential non-Jewish supporters, Robert Kennedy. Seeing that Kennedy's brother was an increasingly powerful member of the Senate at the time - one who, like his brother, refused to critisize McCarthy - it is all the more telling that he advanced the career of Roy Cohn, RECOMMENDED TO HIM BY SAYPOL, over the Irish Catholic Robert Kennedy THAT HIS ANIMUS WAS NOT PRIMARILY TARGETING JEWS ON THE BASIS OF THEIR ETHNIC IDENTITY. That is something you clearly lied about as you lied about him having anything to do with the prosecution of Mariam Moskowitz and her creepy boyfriend. About the best thing in the story of her is when, after they got out of prison, she opted to dump him. First glimmer of sense in the gal. She did the crime, she admitted she did it, she had no right to be exonerated for a crime she both committed and admitted to. I actually respect her for making a decent life for herself after she got out under trying circumstances, but there are lots of people who don't get to do that, especially if they are not white and middle-class and have friends who are.

  2. I have no idea what associations they may have been worried about that would have made them feel at risk from, you know, ROY FUCKING COHN, THE PROSECUTORS WHO WOULD HAVE HAD TO BRING ANY CASES THAT WERE BROUGHT, YOU KNOW, LIKE IRVING SAYPOL, THE ONE WHO OVERSAW THE PROSECUTION OF ALGER HISS (maybe he's too gentile for them to have noticed) Eugene Dennis, William Z. Foster, John Gates, Robert G. Thompson, Gus Hall, William Remington, Abraham Brothman and Miriam Moskowitz. I believe he also would have signed off on his protogee who he recommended to McCarthy, Roy Cohn who is the one who got the Rosenbergs fried when those spies opted for (some say party ordered) martyrdom instead of telling the truth. I've come to believe Ethel was, in fact, involved with her husband's now documented spying for Stalin. While they should never have gotten the death penalty, they should have been convicted and sentenced to long prison sentences. Doesn't change the fact that Roy Cohn was scum and that as much as you're ever going to know about them, from that brilliant scene in the movie of Angels in America, is spot on and rather brutally funny. Great, great writing and acting.

  3. What's left of you brain is rapidly dribbling out your ears, Sparky. Seek help.

  4. You need to get someone to write some new ways for you to say "I got nuttin'". Instead of refuting a single thing I said - even you're not stupid enough to think you could - you hide behind a pretty tale allegedly about your mommy and daddy which will get the suckers at Eschaton nodding because it goes along with their "as seen in the movies and on TV" myths. While I imagine them as sometimes being at their wits ends over what a spoiled little jerk of a liar they produced, if they were so fucking informed, they would certainly have noticed McCarthy's main aid was Jewish and that his Jewish boyfriend was also on McCarthy's staff. I wonder how, with all of the high-publicity trials that Saypol and Cohn and other Jewish prosecutors and judges and newspaper scribblers were prominent in bringing, why they would have worried about that hearing so much AS IT EXCLUSIVELY DEALT WITH THINGS GOING ON IN THE MILITARY, NOT COVERING CIVILIANS. Or maybe they were as stupid as the Eschatots who eat up your bilge.

  5. By the way, Stupy, you'd have been, what, about six when the Army-McCarthy hearings were on live TV?

    1. If you could read, you’d know I specifically said above that I was seven.

    2. I never believe anything you say once. Shouldn't you have been in first grade by then? You know, in school instead of watching daytime TV?

    3. Apparently you’re unfamiliar with the concepts of after-school television or summer vacation.

    4. As I recall, those hearings were held during the day. I'm just that much younger than you that I hadn't started school yet that year. My mother listened to them, she despised him in no small part for bringing the name into such disrepute. I don't know if she paid much attention to his minions except as they became the subject of it, Cohn having gotten special treatment for his fuck buddy from the army. She never mentioned them, her animus was focused on McCarthy.
      Oh, well, that might explain it. You got retained in half-day kindergarten class.

  6. Sparkles — letting his freak flag of ignorance proudly fly yet again.

    1. Naw, you've used that cliche a number of times too. Maybe you can get one of the Eschatot wordsmiths to give you new ways to say you got nuthin'. You know who else were Cohns early promoters and supporters before he ever had much if any connection with Joseph McCarthy, Walter Winchell and George Sokolsky. Who were also huge supporters of Joseph McCarthy. There were lots of Jewish supporters of McCarthy. You know, Simps, McCarthy was kind of a Joey come lately to the commie hunting party, by the time he really got into it in 1950, Saypol had already tried and convicted about a dozen commies, many if not most of them gentiles. And, I believe that even by then it was hardly a new thing, it having figured in New York City political-legal power plays going back into the war years.

  7. "He wasn't as much pro-Nazi as he was sucking up to the voters of Wisconsin, especially the Krauts among them."



    Seriously -- do you have any idea how stupid and Nuremberg Trial-worthy that rationale is?

    My god, Sparkles -- why don't you just pull out your German-American Bund membership card, you anti-Semitic piece of offal?

  8. Let me be even blunter -- you're defending Joe McCarthy. That disqualifies you in perpetuity for being considered a decent human being. On any level

    1. Yeah, I must have mean he was scum and shit in only the nicest way. Or do you think the people who point those aspects of your personality are complimenting you. Not all pieces of shit, Simps, are antisemites, you're one.
      So, Stupy,why do you think he hired Roy Cohn and Cohn's fuck buddy when he could have hired the Irish son of a wealty, powerful backer whose brother was an increasingly powerful and, it needs to be pointed out SUPPORTER OF MCCARTHY'S ANTI-COMMUNISM? Was it because he was a massive Jew hater that he promoted Cohn and took on his fuckbuddy? I wonder if any of the many Jewish supporters of his, Walter Winchell, among them ever said he was an antisemite.

  9. Pop quiz shithead:

    Is it called the Cohn Era?

    Is it called Cohn-ism?

    Were they called the Army-Cohn Hearings?

  10. "that brilliant scene in the movie of Angels in America, is spot on and rather brutally funny. Great, great writing"

    Good god you're obtuse. You genuinely don't know that Tony Kushner -- who wrote Angels in America -- is a seriously left-wing gay Jew who probably would have gone to jail had he been alive during the McCarthy Era, right? Or at the very least been blacklisted in Hollywood?

    It's increasingly inescapable to conclude -- you don't know anything about anything.
