Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Canned Scrambled Eggs An Even Stupider Idea Than Canned Water

Attention getting is mostly what Eschaton blog is, after its very brief glory days that ended c. 2005.   I realized that when I started noticing how often the geezers vied for attention by bragging about what they ate for lunch or dinner AS IF ANYONE IN THE WORLD CARED.  Someone reminds me today that they're still doing it, some numbnutz going on about how great his Reuben with Russian dressing is.  Hope he still thinks so when the angel of the coronary comes a callin'. 

Simps does the same thing with what movie and theater audiences he sat in, what movies he's watched on TV, what album he bought.  As if sitting in a friggin' audience was a major artistic accomplishment.   

See Below:  Simps trying to call me out because he figured I never owned a friggin' COMEDY ALBUM!  The most lame of lame media for the dissemination and rapid wearing out of a comedy gag, a disc of it.   As I've said elsewhere, that's the equivalent of putting scrambled eggs in a can AND MR MEDIA, HIMSELF THINKS ITS SOME KIND OF A FRIGGIN' STATUS SYMBOL TO HAVE ONE!  


  1. A comedy album = scrambled eggs in a can.

    Got it.

    And tout le monde is now saying kudos -- that's the stupidest and most inapt metaphor/analogy in human history.


    1. Says the man who considers buying a comedy album an achievement in the genre and who is still pretending that the Nairobi Trio is as fresh as it was the day it first aired only to have long since been riddled with moth holes after the moth balls it was placed in have long since evaporated and dissipated. If you don't generate comedy fresh, it's as stale as mayo two years past sell by.

  2. You don't think the Nairobi Trio is still funny?

    Wow, you're an even bigger putz than I had thought as recently as earlier today.

    1. You are showing obvious signs of dementia, Stupy, if you forgot our go-round on that tired old routine. It was the one where you accused me of being an anti-feminist because I noted Edie Adams was a throwback to the pre-2nd wave feminist era, only to have me produce her quote about how Kovacs treated her like a dependent little girl and she loved it, saying "to hell with womens-lib". That rattle the rotted vesicles of your vestigial brain?

    2. And that has to do with whether the Nairobi Trio is funny exactly how?

    3. Wow, you really are suffering symptoms, it wasn't even that long ago we had that set to over that shtick. If Kovacs hadn't croaked due to his diet and those foul cigars his wife peddled he'd either have dumped it from his act or he'd have gotten as tiresome as Uncle Milty and ended up doing some bullshit bowling show. You prove why you could never have had a career in comedy by holding a torch for it. You might have had a short career in comedy, it would have been very short and you'd more be the butt of jokes for stealing material than anything.

  3. "Simps trying to call me out because he figured I never owned a friggin' COMEDY ALBUM!"

    No, I called you out because you claimed to know anything about Carl Reiner despite the fact you couldn't quote a single joke from a 2000 YEAR OLD MAN record. If you're gonna lie, try to do it better.

    1. Was that on the Teaneck IQ test c. 1965?

      Why the hell would I want to steal a sixty year old joke? I know you figure everyone in the world takes a huge interest in the even older, much smaller one you hold onto a few times a day but I'm really more a fan of impromptu humor. You're all wet, Simps.

  4. If you had ever cracked a decent joke in your entire parched joyless life, Sparkles, it would have died of loneliness.

    1. The only original thing you ever cracked is a fart. And even that you keep retelling.

  5. Wow, Sparkles -- that's bottom of the barrel, even for you.

    1. I was trying to speak on your level. What? Too high?

  6. And who amongst us didn’t anticipate that utterly lame rejoinder from you? Kudos, oh predictable one.
