Friday, July 24, 2020

Gee, Simps, Didn't You Tell Me "Ill Bet" Was Trumpian Weasel Words?

The Thought CriminalApril 7, 2018 at 6:13 PM
"I read such shocked lamentations histrionically made, declaring that it was proof that there is no God, when the etimable Irwin Corey died at the age of 102 last year. I wonder what kind of joke Corey would have gotten out of such a display. "

I'll bet you do. Given that you don't get most jokes generally, and probably never got ANY of Corey's.

  1. Gee, Simps, didn't you tell me "I'll bet" was Trumpian weasel words?

    I know the joke of you and the Eschatots going on histrionically over the very aged, you know, dying of old age.

    I listened to the video of his funeral which was just full of praying for his soul. It was touching.


  1. No, I said "I'll bet" is McCarthyian weasel words and one of your tells.

    Try to keep up, moron.

    1. Stupy, look at the dates on those comments. I would bet, having found those fairly easily, I could find more. Of course the "brain trust" that you can always trust to display few brains might not notice but, you forget, I got shut of that time wasting bull shit.

    2. Oh, and, yeah, so by your own admission you were using "McCarthyite weasel words".

    3. At times like this it becomes even more painfully obvious than usual that English not your native language.

    4. Like I said, Simps, you need to find some new ways to say "I got nuttin'". You're in need of saying it so often.
